A significant event happened this afternoon...Tyler fully led worship at our church here in Frydlant!
For the past three years Bogdan, the youth and worship leader of our church has let Tyler play in the worship group. He started out as a 13 year old playing bass, went on to playing electric guitar, and then acoustic just this summer. It has been a fabulous experience for him to work up close to Bogdan and be a part of this team - I've appreciated the mentoring he's done with Tyler at such a relatively young age.
This summer there were a few times when Bogdan was away and Tyler was asked to lead singing. But it was more spontaneous and spur of the moment - not on "official" position of worship leader.
Coming into the fall though, our pastor, Ken, felt Tyler was ready and ought to be given an opportunity to lead worship, and Bogdan recommended that he do it once a month. So today was his first day at it. Of course I'm a bit biased (and I was playing piano with him!) but I think it went just great! He read a Scripture in Czech, and then led six songs (one of them being in Slovak!). It was really a sweet moment for me to see him do that...there is no greater joy than seeing your child have a love for the Lord and express it in worship.
I expect this is only the beginning of Tyler's journey into worship and worship leading. That makes me really happy tonight!
How exciting! I wish I could have been there to hear Tyler lead worship! No doubt you were proud watching your oldest child leading everyone in worship! =) What an opportunity!