There are so many more stories revolving around Exit 316 that I wanted to post a few here so that we can keep track of them!
I shared in my latest update about the level of viewership over the internet. What I didn’t say was that there are a total of 175 shows aired in a given week – this means that Exit was #2 out of 175! The one in first place is a very popular “David Letterman” type talk show hosted by a well known comedian – and a show that has been airing for quite some time!
One of our intern graduates in Prague told her non-Christian boss about the show. He watched at home with his 9 year old daughter, Valerie. When it finished his daughter said, “Daddy, could you register me in a club where I could learn more about Jesus. There has to be a club like that somewhere.”
Here in Frydlant a group of 15 gathered to watch the show in one apartment. Half of them were non-Christians. The discussion afterwards was very good – even for one 23 year old girl (the sister of one of our youth group kids) who has never been to a Christian event in her life. She took her Exit Bible (a special edition we have had published) home and started reading it the next day – and has been reading it every day since.
One girl in Pisek met individually with a friend to watch the show. Afterwards the discussion continued from the topic at hand to the very essence of Christianity. They talked about sin, Christ’s work of redemption, and the Christian girl was able to give her testimony. All the first week!
Mike Sullivan, one of our JV staff, told me that some members in his youth group in Presov, Slovakia (five hours drive from here on the far east side of Slovakia) were able to get the show on cable. They want to start Exit discussion groups in their group and are asking him for materials and Bibles. This is from the far side of another country! So glad our languages are compatible!
Last weekend another 250 small group leaders in Bohemia (the western side of Czech) went through the training for small groups (Turbo 316) – meaning that over 500 small group leaders have been through an intensive 24 training time on how to develop and lead an evangelistic small group around Exit!
In Cesky Tesin, a nearby city, there were 30 for the first Exit discussion – ten of whom were non-Christians.
Wow!!! How exciting and encouraging to see what God is doing in Czech...and even Slovakia! It's amazing to see how He is using just one tv show and many of His children to reach out to others! It makes me want to jump on board and get involved in any way possible!