On the Road!
We've been in the States for two weeks now...funny how two weeks of fun family time is different than two weeks of pain, sickness and seeing doctors. I sure am thankful for these past two weeks of something wonderful like being with family!
We were in Telluride, Colorado with our Patty side of the family last week...twenty of us gathered together at a gorgeous condo loaned to us by friends. What a great gift! (Thank you D and N for so graciously loaning it to us!)
My eyes have seen a lot of beautiful places in the world, but I kept saying in Telluride: "I sure hope a part of heaven looks like this!" It really was spectacular there...a place I would love to spend more time in. There was something about it that really touched my heart and soul. And being with our extended family made it all the better!
Hiking, walking, talking, laughing, eating, smiling, shopping, playing, resting...all good gifts from the Lord, as we enjoyed time with some of our most favorite people in the world!
We're off to Michigan tomorrow morning...will be at Gull Lake Conference Center where Dave is the speaker for the week. The boys will fly back to Czech by themselves next Thursday so they can be at English camp. Dave, Claire and I still have two more weeks in the States after that.
Travel has been tough on Caleb and he's not felt the best since being back in the States, though I will say he's making the most of his time here and living well in spite of the continual pain. We do see progress, but it's slowed down a bit by the changes in time, diet and activity - all things that impact him. He's anxious to get back home, though I don't know that camp food and activity will be any more helpful to him than what he's getting here...smile! But he's thankful he gets to go and we'll trust the Lord on that one!
Limited internet in Michigan means I probably won't get to post again for another week...such is life on the road!
Caleb and I have only had ten days at home, but what great days they've been! And so many things to be thankful for!
Sometimes there is something precious about being gone for a while as it makes you appreciate and enjoy what you've been given. We've definitely been experiencing that!
- Caleb finished 9th grade, even though he missed the last three months of school. The principal was more than understanding and graduated him on to high school with good wishes for success. He only had to go three days since being back, just to say his good-byes and finish up a few last things. This is the end of his time at "basic school" so it was a milestone of sorts.
- Caleb's pain level is now down to 4-5!! His treatment is working quicker than we expected! This is such an answer to prayer!! He looks good and is feeling better all the time.
- Tyler and Claire finished 11th and 8th grade just today! It still amazes me that our kids have been able to do all their schooling in Czech. We're so proud of them!
- Dave finished up his teaching at intern training on Tuesday. He taught five times from the book of John to the group of 80+ who will be spending their summer throughout Eastern Europe, serving at English camps with young people and sharing their lives and faith. Pray for a great harvest this summer of new believers!
- We've been able to reconnect with friends and JV family since we've been back, and soak in our life here in Frydlant...oh how we do love it here!
Tomorrow morning at 3 AM we leave our house to head for the airport where we've got three separate flights that will eventually get us to Denver! We'll get there at 4 in the afternoon, which will be midnight our time, thus travel time is about 21 hours. I guess that's not so bad when you consider how far we're going!
We'll be at Bethany EV Free in Littleton on Sunday, and then head to Telluride for our family reunion with the Patty's - first time we've been together in three years. We're all looking forward to that so much!
After that it's on to Ft. Collins where we'll be at Faith EV Free the next Sunday (Father's Day!), and then head back to Denver for a few more days with family, while Dave has a JV board meeting nearby.
More happy days are coming and we're thankful to the Lord for giving us such a rich life, for sustaining us through the hard times, and blessing us with so many good relationships along the way!
Great To Be a Family!