The kids and I took a trip down memory lane today. We went back to their first elementary school in Havirov to visit a special person.
Blazenka was one of the after-school teachers at the elementary school where our kids started school. She took a special interest in Tyler during first grade and suggested that he come to the after school program, though it was meant for kids who had working parents.
But she had the foresight to know that Tyler would need some special attention in school and wanted to be the one to give that to him.
Eventually all three kids were in "druzina", the name of the after-school program here. Blazenka made every effort to draw them into the community of children there, as well as help them with every aspect of their education...language acquisition, homework, special projects,etc. Back in those days most of the kids left by 3 PM so she gave them her undivided attention until 4 PM when druzina ended.
As I look back on our years of educating the kids in Czech schools, I feel one of the greatest blessings came through Blazenka and her special attention to our kids' needs in school. How often I have thanked the Lord for sending her into their lives, and for the important role she played in getting them started well back in those early days.
We hadn't seen Blazenka in 6 years but it was on my heart to let her know that Tyler is graduating this year. So we just showed up at druzina this afternoon and surprised her! It was the very best kind of surprise! The look of delight on her face at seeing the kids was worth millions!
As always, she was especially tuned in to the kids as we sat in that very same druzina room from long ago and she talked to them, asking dozens of questions. They felt so valued by her, as they always did!

While we were there, Claire's first grade teacher happened to walk in the druzina room - so we had time with her, as well as the other druzina teacher. It was one of those magical afternoons of walking back in time and remembering the care and love of the Lord that came through these special women!
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