Friday, June 26, 2009


While Claire is still home sick, life continues on for the rest of the family.

Caleb came home last night from a three day class trip with his school. He brought a friend home to spend the night and they rode bikes up to the hotel later in the evening to see other school friends at a retreat there, getting home at midnight!

This morning Caleb returned books to school, said good-bye for the summer, then headed off to Poland for the next ten days. He'll be at an English/Volleyball camp with a church from Katowice, serving on the team.

That camp finishes the same day the Frydlant English camp begins, so he'll barely come home before taking off again for another week of camp!

In the meantime, Dave and Tyler are hiking in the Alps, staying in huts and campgrounds around the Interlaken and Lauterbrunnen area. This is our graduation gift to Tyler - a memory with his dad. Dave wrote today and said the hiking was great, the views awesome, and the time together (along with two friends of Tyler's) superb!

While the guys are out and about, I spent the evening ministering to a hurting friend for three hours here in my office. We cried together, prayed together, and trusted in Jesus together for her future. It was a precious, though difficult time as her situation is really a mess.

Where oh where would we be without the love, compassion and help of the Lord? Thankfully she trusted Christ three months ago so is looking to him for help. She does need it oh so desperately.

Claire is getting a bit better...enough so to have a friend come over tomorrow night. Will be good for her to have a little company!

And so goes life at our house!

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