Thursday, March 11, 2010
"Spring" Vacation Days
I remember the spring vacations of my childhood...I'm pretty sure that in Oregon the sun was shining, the days were warm, flowers were blooming and it seemed summer was right around the corner (okay...maybe it was raining a little bit too...but it was at least 50 degrees outside!)
Not so here! It's been snowing all day today, and about 26 to 30 degrees...during our "spring" vacation. I don't actually think we've had many spring vacations here WITHOUT snow, to tell you the truth! It's just what spring vacation is about here!
Caleb is still cooped up at home...trying to get to feeling better so he can go back to school next week. I think he's actually looking forward to it after three weeks of not feeling well and being without friends. He's still awfully tired and doesn't have much energy...but the doctor told us that was to be expected for a while. Bummer.
I finally got over a sinus infection that had me dragging around, living with a Kleenex box beside me for two weeks. Those can sure be painful and annoying. I'm glad I can breathe again.
Claire has been the trooper this our quiet little life during "spring" vacation!
Despite the weather, she and I ventured out to Ostrava search of black beans, spelt milk, arrowroot powder and some silk flowers to put in the living room to make it feel like spring! Yeah...strange, but true assortment. We do a lot of searching for things here which I love, by the way! It's like a big treasure hunt at times and totally brings out the "hunter/gatherer" in me!
But the point of this blog (and the reason for the photo) actually is that on our way back home we stopped at a favorite restaurant of ours for...yes, you guessed...Creme Brulee!
On this cold, gray, snowy, dismal day...we took a few minutes to cozy ourselves up in a Belgian restaurant, pretending we were far away on spring vacation, and savoring the goodness of this yummy delight. No real food...just dessert at 2 in the afternoon! Ahh, you gotta love it!
Our Creme Brulee didn't look quite like the one in the picture, though it was close! It did come with kiwis on the side, drizzled in chocolate and strawberry sauce! Nothing better than that on a "spring" vacation day!
Spring will always does. I'm just glad for moments like this while we're waiting for it!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thoughts and Moments of the Day
Outside my window...half snow, half grass...and BRRRR cold! It's one of those days when you wonder if spring will ever come...need some sunshine that's actually WARM!!
I am thankful...that Caleb is feeling better, and that my sinus infection is finally on the mend.
From the kitchen...Black bean soup in the crockpot, homemade applesauce...mmmm, can't wait!
I am wearing...this one always makes me laugh when I think about how to answer it! Do you really want to know what I'm wearing?? It was in the original "Thoughts and Moments" post that I found and took this idea for a blog post from. But do I keep this "thought" going? Hmmm...well, for now...I'm wearing black leggings and a top from my favorite store in Europe, Promod!
I am reading...a book by Shannon Ethridge called "Completely His: Loving Jesus without Limits"
I am hoping...that we are all well enough to go to Prague on Friday. The kids are on spring break this week, but because of all the sickness we've had, we're not doing much except concentrating on getting better. If we're all feeling good, we'll drive to Prague, maybe see a movie, drink Starbucks, eat out, spend the night, and say good-bye to Dave on Saturday as he flies out of Prague to the Philippines for a week
I am work on laundry as soon as I finish this blog post! I'm putting it in writing so I'll really do it!
I am talks for a ladies retreat in Chicago that I'll be speaking at in April - I leave four weeks from tomorrow.
I am hearing...Caleb playing guitar in his room
I am praying...for Tyler as he sends out his first missionary letter soon! He's interning in Croatia this summer with JV...whoohoo!
Around the house...are toys! We have Brian, Aleisha and Cece Stephens staying with us right now while the home they will be living in is prepared for them. We are having so much fun getting to know them and being entertained by a one year old darling!
One of my favorite things...being with Dave! He's been traveling a lot lately, so I enjoy and deeply appreciate any and all time we get to be together.
A few plans for the rest of the week...take Caleb to the doctor for a check-up where hopefully he'll be given the green light to return to school next week, go to Prague on Friday if we're all well!
A picture I am sharing...someone from the States sent me an extravagant gift that came in the mail today! Mmmmm....dozens of yummy lattes ahead of me! Thank you Ruth!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Looking Toward Better Days
Caleb and I just got back from the hospital where he had a check-up. Here's the scoop:
He's still sick, but making progress.
He still needs to stay in bed.
He still needs to sleep a lot.
Antibiotic is finished.
He needs to visit the doctor again next week for a check-up.
Next week is also spring break for us. We had hoped to take a little family trip before Dave leaves on Saturday for the Philippines (for a GYI conference). But...we'll just be hanging out at home instead.
It looked like spring had arrived...until this morning when we woke up to snow again! It was just a dusting, but they say more is on the way. WHAT?! My tulips are already about 4 inches out of the ground! How can this be?
We are definitely looking forward to better, warmer, healthier days around here.