Caleb and I just got back from the hospital where he had a check-up. Here's the scoop:
He's still sick, but making progress.
He still needs to stay in bed.
He still needs to sleep a lot.
Antibiotic is finished.
He needs to visit the doctor again next week for a check-up.
Next week is also spring break for us. We had hoped to take a little family trip before Dave leaves on Saturday for the Philippines (for a GYI conference). But...we'll just be hanging out at home instead.
It looked like spring had arrived...until this morning when we woke up to snow again! It was just a dusting, but they say more is on the way. WHAT?! My tulips are already about 4 inches out of the ground! How can this be?
We are definitely looking forward to better, warmer, healthier days around here.
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