The kids and I flew in to Chicago on Friday night, right in between the thunderstorms they were having there. Circled Detroit for a while before landing...and then just as we got out of the airport, more thunder, lightening and HUGE rain! We were blessed to arrive safely!
It was a huge blessing to be met by Dave at the airport. His days in Chicago last week were good ones as he rested and got over jet lag. It took him all those days to do so, but he was feeling like himself by the time we arrived. Another blessing!
Saturday we headed up to Hickory Corners, Michigan to Gull Lake Ministries where we're spending the week. AHHHHH!! This is one of the best places on earth! If you haven't been here...you should try to come sometime!
We were introduced to Gull Lake two years ago when they asked Dave to come and speak. At the end of that week, they asked Dave to come back in two years to speak again and

we have literally been counting the months and
days ever since!
God's hand of blessing is truly on this place - everyone from the director to his staff and summer interns, live out their faith by serving those who come for a week of family camp. It's really an extraordinary ministry and we are deeply privileged to get to spend another week here.
Thank you to all who are praying for Dave. I am astonished by the strength, energy and vitality he is experiencing here this week. His teaching is some of the best I've heard (yes...a wife's unbiased opinion!) and he has been feeling great. He does still need a nap every day (seriously...who doesn't need a nap every day?? We all wish we had a good excuse like his to take one!) but other than that, you would never know he had heart surgery just five weeks ago today!!
Dave is teaching on "The God You Never Knew", speaking on the Fatherhood of God, the counsel of the Holy Spirit, and the presence of Christ in our lives. It's powerful! CD's are available from Gull Lake if you were, by any chance, interested in hearing his teaching.

We're blessed to have old friends here -Brewsters from New Brunswick, Fangrad's from Ontario, Parkers from our home church in Illinois...and many other dear friends that we met last time we were here at Gull Lake (yes, that's you Lori S.!!). We are just basking in the Lord's blessing and goodness here. That may sound hokey...but I can't help it! It's true!!!
I want dad's teaching!! :)
ReplyDeleteI am really rejoicing that God is doing even more wonderful things in your lives. We are so glad for Dave. Greetings to him and all your family from Chaga and Sneza. And we would like to hear Dave's teaching "The God You Never Knew". So how can I get one. Is it possible to get it on the fall conference?