Thursday, December 29, 2011

Advice from my Father-in-Law

Dave's dad told me yesterday that it's good to keep a journal to remember the important things in life. He says if you don't write it down, you'll forget by the time you're his age!

I'm so glad I have my blog as my journal because there are things I don't want to forget - like an evening in Vienna...

 ...and the best hummus ever!

Some dear friends made it possible for us to go to Vienna last week, while mom and dad Patty made it possible for us to enjoy dinner at at our favorite Israeli restaurant there. These are things I DON'T WANT TO FORGET!

It's also so special to have Tyler and Lara with us right now - we'll never forget enjoying their "engaged" days with them!

And I love remembering Caleb's enjoyment of life - even something so simple as a good meal!

And sweet Claire - she knows how to soak in the goodness of life!

Dave...he's happy when his family is happy! That's one of the things I love most about him!

So yes dad Patty...I'm taking moments out of my days to journal in my blog, so I remember all these good things the Lord is blessing us with. Thanks so much to you and mom for making that evening in Vienna possible!

Now that I have these photos on my blog, I know I won't forget, even if I get to be...well, you know, your age! :)

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