Monday, December 31, 2012

Some Dog Lovin'

It's no secret...we're dog-loving people!

And this Christmas we had our "cousin" Scout here to love on too.

You can't rush around when there's a cute dog who wants nothing more than to curl up on your lap.

Scout was happy to get to lay on the couch at his cousin's house - something that's not allowed at his house! :)

Believe me, these dogs got plenty of attention during the holiday!

Can you guess what they're waiting for?

Morsels of turkey that miraculously fell from the sky.

Who's more content??!

 Scout loved being right in the middle of things on Christmas morning...

 And Kaylee never passed up an opportunity to be close to her people.

There was nothing quite like being with her boy again!

Those two dogs were convinced that Christmas was for them too!

Just made me giggle watching them on Christmas Day, not about to miss any piece of the action!

Scout, a border terrier with the greatest personality, was in the midst of all the goings on that day.

As was Kaylee, soaking in all the love from her people.

Does it get any better than that?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Christmas Wish

There are so many things about Christmas that I love.

Green and Red. The symbols for life and sacrifice.

Simple nativity scenes. Reminding me of what we're celebrating at Christmas.

Christmas Lights. They brighten up the dark winter nights.

Holiday shopping. Yes, I do love it! There is great joy in thinking about particular gifts that will bless the people I love.

Christmas Music. Everything from Andrea Bocelli to Michael Bublé, Haven of Rest to Angel Tree Children's all speaks to my heart of Christmas.

Final day of the Advent Calendar. There's still a thrill in seeing the angel go on top on the 24th.

Candles. The single flame that reminds me of Jesus, the one and only, who came to overcome darkness.

Thank you for the beautiful photos Claire!
But what I love most about Christmas is WHO we're celebrating!


The one foretold of by the prophet Isaiah:

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light...

For unto us a child is born,

unto to us a child is given...

And he will be called

Wonderful Counselor

Almighty God

Everlasting Father

Prince of Peace

He will reign...with justice and righteousness...


Who is this Jesus? I invite you to find out if you don't know. He's changed my life. And I want nothing more than to see your life changed by Him too.

See HERE for a wonderful website founded by friends of ours, that will lead you, step by step, to know Jesus.

It is my Christmas wish that you too would begin a relationship with Jesus, receiving all that He came to give...His sacrifice for your sins, relationship with Him today, and everlasting life.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Moments of Christmas

One of the things I love after Christmas is looking back through photos.

It all goes by so fast that it's hard to take it all in on Christmas Day.

But in photos, you get to catch a glimpse of those moments that defined the day.

Here are some of our best moments from Christmas with the Patty's!





It was the sweetest of times with our family here to share Christmas!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas with the Patty's

One of my favorite Christmas movies is "Christmas with the Krank's".

Everything that could go wrong, does, which brings lots of laughter for those watching. Not sure what it would be like if that was MY Christmas but I like laughing at theirs!

Thankfully, "Christmas with the Patty's" was a different story.

While we haven't shared a Christmas together since 2002, you would think we do this every's that easy and that happy.

There were lots of smiles, much laughter, enjoyable conversation, memorable gifts and happy sounds throughout our house as they joined us for those four days of a Patty Christmas!

So thankful for family!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Eve!

Dave's brother and family arrived from Slovenia last night.

The kitchen is full of bustling activity today.

Presents are lovingly being wrapped.

Excitement in this house is high!

Christmas Eve is here and we send our wishes for a very blessed Christmas to you all!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Making Music

One of our traditions of Christmas is coming together with all our instruments to make Christmas music with the Till's, missionary friends who also live here in Frydlant. We gathered this year for an afternoon of lunch and music.

Didn't know Dave played the violin? He does...and very nicely!

Mr. Till (as he's known to our kids since he's been their teacher at BMA over the years) plays a beautiful flute!

Lucy received a mandolin last year and adds a whole new dimension to our Christmas music now, along with her brother Patrick on guitar, home from college in the States.

Beautiful of Claire's dearest friends, and I love her too!

Me on our piano.

Sharon pulls out her harmonica...

And everyone else joins in for a beautiful afternoon of Christmas singing!

Thank you Claire for being our photographer and capturing this afternoon of tradition!