Friday, March 1, 2013

Finding Hope

I'm still memorizing verses along with my other "Siestas", connected to Beth Moore and her Living Proof Blog. This is my latest one:

Claire took this photo down in Hvar last's totally untouched and unedited. Isn't that sunset fabulous?!

We were making our way to the grocery store, driving along the coastline, when we literally stopped in our tracks to take in this gorgeous site.

The day had been dark, cloudy and dreary...but look at the kind of sunset it produced!!

That's "hope" to me. In the midst of dark, cloudy and dreary...hope arrives!

It comes in all different shapes, sizes, forms and places.

You never know when it's going to arrive.

But I believe it's always on the horizon.


It makes me happy just to say that word.

1 comment:

  1. Great visual to go with your truth here Con. It does make the sunset all the more spectacular to hear that the day was gloomy and cloudy. Thanks for the lesson HOPE! :o) Love you!
