Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Extraordinary Marriages...in the making

It is one of the sweetest privileges to be here in Tuscany with a group of people who are committed to, and want to work on and invest in, their marriages.

As Dave is teaching each day, it's reminding me of the times that God has given us through the years to work on our marriage, and how we were always the richer for that.

I am praying daily that these couples, who have pulled away from the pressures and responsibilities of life, will grow in deeper understanding of what God's design is for their marriages, and that they will take the courageous steps needed to not settle for just a good, or ordinary, marriage, but take it to extraordinary!

The setting the Lord has provided here is just the type of place where you feel as though time has stopped, and you can take the time needed for listening to teaching, and for long, extended talks and times of prayer with each other.

I've loved watching the couples take advantage of that!

This trip is the vision of our dear friend, Laurie, who believes in the power of healthy, God honoring marriages. What she has done to arrange all of this is, in itself, extraordinary! How we love her and deeply appreciate and value her desire to see our marriages grow in depth, vibrancy, and godliness.

We have two more days of our marriage conference before we leave for a few days of touring in Rome.

Praying that God's redemptive power will be at work in all our marriages as we seek to live them in the ways He intended.

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