Saturday, July 13, 2013

Taking a Night Train

We are getting on a night train and heading to Lviv, Ukraine tomorrow.

Since I've never been there, I hope I'm posting the right pictures!

Our JV teammates, Ben and Kristy Williams, and Tomasz and Miriam Chmiel, are there serving the church and young people of that city.

We will take the night train from Krakow and arrive in Lviv bright and early Monday morning.

To a world where we can't speak or read the signs! Good thing our teammates will be there to greet us.

God is moving in this city and doing some awesome things in the lives of young people. I'm so excited to step into our teammates' world for a few days and experience life with them.

I won't get to blog until we're back, so until Thursday, take a look at Ben and Kristy's blog to read much about what God's doing in Lviv, and throughout Ukraine.

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