Monday, September 30, 2013

Family Time

It's a dark, rainy morning here in Ljubljana at my sister-in-law's kitchen table.

But look at what I see out the window - those huge pumpkins that came from the Patty garden! That's enough to cheer you on a dark day, isn't it?

One of those pumpkins weighs 80 pounds!

We are at Josh and Kristi's (Dave's brother and family) for a few days, getting in some family time.

And we're dropping off Kaylee to hang out for a while with her cousin, Scout (not sure how those two feel about that yet, but I guess they'll work it out! HA!).

She'll be staying with the Patty's while we are in the States for the next six months. Thankful for our family who not only loves us, but our dog too!

While these are just pictures taken on my phone, it gives a little window into the joy of family time, like watching videos and pictures from their family vacation down in Hvar last month.

And getting to enjoy the cute toothless grin from my adorable nephew!

It was also great watching the brothers have a good conversation late into the evening.

Thankful for family. Glad we get some days with them!


  1. LOVE having you here and the way you capture these days!

  2. WIsh I could be there too! Big family Google hangout?? :)
