Monday, March 10, 2014

Eugene Week-end

Look who's in Oregon, on her spring break from college?!

After a L-O-N-G day of flying (see HERE for why) Claire flew into Portland at 1:30 AM late Friday night (or early Saturday morning, depending on how you look at it).

After a quick night's sleep we headed down to Eugene the next morning to my mom and dad's house. Ahh, I love seeing those two back in the kitchen together!

Most of the time we were too busy talking, laughing and having fun to take pictures during our week-end. But we did manage to get outside (with a bit of Eugene rain sprinkling down on us!) to take a few pictures Sunday afternoon.

Dad's glad to have his girl "home"...well, home as in hanging out with her on the road in the days ahead.

The three of us will be traveling together for the next two weeks through Washington, Idaho, Utah and Colorado. And we're happy about that - we love spending time with our girl!

There were a few family members missing in our photo below ("Tyler, Lara, Caleb and Haley...we missed you!!") but it sure was good to be together with my mom, dad and brother!

Are my mom and dad the cutest couple ever?!! I love them so much!!!"

The next time we'll all be together is in May when Caleb and Haley get married in Colorado. Only 83 days left!

Claire and UM (my kids' fun name for their Uncle Mike!) had a good time laughing and teasing each other all week-end...there is truly never a dull moment with my brother around! 

While it was way too short, it was also just as sweet as could be, spending time with my dear family. So thankful for each one of them.

1 comment:

  1. So so fun to see you all together! I loved every single beautiful picture! and you, my friend, look as pretty and radiant as ever! You must be doing something right!
