On Tuesday, Tyler and Caleb dropped Dave and I off at O'Hare in Chicago.
Twelve hours later we landed in Krakow, Poland!
We're not done with our sabbatical/home assignment, but we're back in Europe for a few weeks.
Honestly, after six and a half months in the States it was so exhilarating to set foot back in our adopted homeland. I had butterflies in my stomach as we drove through Czech, seeing familiar sights. I have missed home, and everything about it (including Tesco!).
We headed off the next morning for ten days of study and rest before we come back to Czech for our JV spring conference at Malenovice. We're so looking forward to seeing our team and being with them for those days before we head back to the States and finish up our time there.
Oh how good it is to be back in familiar territory...back at home, the place we love and belong.
And OH, how good to have you home where you belong!