Saturday, May 10, 2014

Back to School for Dave

Somebody is going back to school after twenty two years.

This afternoon, I dropped Dave off at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. He's taking an executive course there called, "The Art and Practice of Leadership".

It's an intense week-long course with 65 students from around the world, including one guy from the Czech Republic!

Held in the Harvard Kennedy Business school, it will be a full week of lectures, discussions, reading and papers for Dave. But he's super excited about it, looking forward to learning as well as interacting with his classmates.

Dave and I said goodbye on this rainy day, and then he headed for his apartment (the brick building below) to get settled before beginning his first class later in the afternoon. He'll be done with the course (and maybe a little bit smarter!) next Friday.


  1. Can I just say wow! My brother-in-law attended Harvard! That is so great that Dave is taking a high level class at Harvard. I really hope he can download a small part of that to me when I see him at the wedding.

  2. He looks so happy! :) Can't wait to hear about it!!
