Sunday, January 4, 2015

Evening with Friends

So this is what it's come to.

HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! After thirty years of friendship it looks like Laura and I have nothing better to do than hang out with each other and our dogs!!!

In reality, it wasn't just Laura and I hanging out. Dan, Laura and Jacob Hash came over from Poland this evening, along with their dog, Zoe. With Caleb, Haley and Claire here too, and of course Dave and I, it was a very fun evening with these long-time, dear friends.

But it was just ironic that Caleb captured this moment with the two of us on the couch and our dogs on either side of us.

It IS our little dog's fourth birthday today, so I guess it's appropriate that she's on the blog. Happy birthday to Kaylee!

And thank you Hash's for a delightful evening together!


  1. I can't believe you're home already and even saw the Hash's. So glad the kids got to connect too! And this really is cute that the two of you were connecting while being snuggled up to by your dogs.

    And I seriously cannot believe it's Kaylee's fourth birthday. It literally does not seem that long since you've had her. I guess the year sabbatical really sped things up in terms of time. (or are we getting older so time speeds up?!). Glad you got to have some Laura time. Love you!

  2. Happy Birthday Kaylee! I'm so glad you all were able to be together. Will I ever see the Hash's again? I hope so!
