Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hello Spring

"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow."

How grateful I am for that beautiful truth, and how true it's been this past week!

I keep thinking I'd like to take a day to just drive around and photograph all the gorgeous blossoms, brightly colored flowers and new growth that spring has ushered in.

But, since that's probably not going to happen, the few photos I've taken on my phone while out and about will have to do to remember how glorious it's been so far.

"He has made everything beautiful in his time." 

I am reminded of that verse when spring comes around and shows her pretty head again!


  1. You know if I were home we'd be taking that drive together! ;) Guess we'll have to do one of those when I'm home - maybe go the back way through Lubno? :)

  2. isn't it a paradice where we live??? and I'm so happy we found each other here... Thanks to Jesus!!!
    Love Ingrid
