Saturday, May 23, 2015

Where's Dave Been?

 If you look closely, you can see where Dave's been this week.

Did you see it? Yep, he's been in Scotland! Glascow, to be exact.

He visited one of our JV families, the Cheshire's, who are Scottish, and in the process of raising support to serve with JV. Do click on the link above, with their name, to read about this dear family and what God's leading them to do with our Exit Tour ministry. We are super excited to have them part of our JV family.

Dave with Sue and the Cheshire kids, along with Terry English who is from UK and serves with JV in Czech. Pavel Schwartz is hiding behind Terry, and is also a JV missionary here in Czech.

Another reason for the visit is that JV is in the process of setting up Josiah Venture, United Kingdom (JV UK) to be a sending agent for missionaries and short term teams, like the US and Canada are. He met with potential board members and worked on plans and timing for that to take place.

We're thankful for open doors in the UK, and the possibility of more teammates coming from there to join us in reaching young people with the Gospel in Central and Eastern Europe!

1 comment:

  1. I love this and think it's just so cool that this opportunity has come for JV! God is doing some pretty amazing things.
