Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Thirty One Years

This summer 140 JV interns are spread out over twelve different countries, sharing Jesus, loving on teenagers, and being part of God's work in this region of the world.

I thought about them today as I was on my way home from lunch with a friend. I did that very same thing thirty one years ago, serve on a team for a summer overseas.

And on that summer mission's trip all those years ago, I met a friend.

I wonder how many of our JV interns will still be in touch thirty one years from now like Laura and me?!

Laura and I served on a summer team in Germany with Malachi Ministries all those years ago. Who would've known that friendship was the beginning of a lifelong one? And not only lifelong, but we're still serving together!!

On a hot summer afternoon at a favorite restaurant, how very good it was to share four hours together with one of my dearest friends in the whole world!

I hope there will be deep friendships like ours formed this summer between some of our JV interns.

Friendships that will endure the test of time, where years from now they'll sit in restaurants together, remembering their early days of serving together, and feel great thanks to the Lord for giving them a lifelong friend. I know I felt that way today.

"I love you Laura! Thanks for lunch today...and thirty one years of friendship!"


  1. Awww, you two don't look old enough to have known each other 31 years unless you met at grade school summer camp!! Ha, ha you do both look great!

    I'm looking forward to having lunch with you at Da Capo someday. I hear good things about it!

  2. You both look just beautiful! So thankful for what God has done in and through your friendship - it has been an example of faithfulness, and a wellspring of love for many. Miss you both and love you dearly!
