Friday, December 4, 2015

From Sunset to Sunset

As we locked up our house and started to get in the car, this fantastic sunset closed out yesterday. 

At 3:15 PM.

Is anyone else like me? You enjoy daylight ending earlier as winter descends? I always seem to be ready for shorter days when they roll around. It's somehow a comfort to be cozy inside when it gets dark so early.

But yesterday was not a day for staying inside for the night! 

Instead Dave and I left at dusk and began a long drive that brought us to another sunset this evening, from a different vantage point.

In order to work on our books (which we keep persevering on!), for Dave to get study time for the next four months of teaching, and to have some time to replenish after a full fall, we're down in Croatia for the next few weeks.

We'll unplug for a few days over the weekend and then dig into the projects we need to work on next week.

Though sunset is nearly an hour later than it is at home, we'll still have some cozy early evenings. I'm so looking forward to sharing those evenings with Dave as we rest and get our work done from here!

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