Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Something To Be Thankful For

It's the eve of Thanksgiving and you know what I'm feeling thankful for?

Absolutely all the really important things like ... belonging to the Lord, my precious family and dear friends, as well as our JV missionary team who live and serve so sacrificially.

But when it gets down to really practical things? I'm thankful for this.

Yes, my washing machine.

That finally stopped working.

After twenty years.

No I'm not saying I'm thankful it quit working. I'm saying I'm thankful that it DID work for twenty years! If only washing machines could talk, right? It's seen a lot of life through its eyes. Well, if washing machines HAD eyes! 🙄

That washing machine finally washed its last load and could do no more. So today was "moving in day" for a new one.

"Thanks Petr for happening to stop by to see my parents and being willing to be recruited by Dave to carry the new one up the stairs!"

That was definitely not an easy task, but these two managed it just fine!

And bless Dave! He installed it right away so I could get back to the task of washing clothes.

"Thank you Dave for knowing and caring that I needed it installed NOW!"

I was 35 the last time I got a new washing machine. I hope I'll be at least 75 by the next time I get one! If it can last twenty years too, that would really be something to be thankful for!

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