Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Venturing Out

After a week of being sick in bed, I ventured out in hopes that a change of scenery would be good for my soul. And NOT bad for my body!

A favorite cafe of Claire's and mine in Ostrava was nearly empty which was not so good for them, but great for us! A few hours of peaceful jazz music, coffee for her, tea for me, and working on the Prayer Room was exactly what I needed to lift my spirits after a week of sickness.

I'm not moving very quickly yet, nor have as much energy as usual. But after a little break, albeit to get over the flu, my heart is racing with excitement now to get going on the projects that are ahead of me in the months to come.

And it's so fun to be doing some of those alongside our daughter, Claire!

She has projects too so was loving the time in our favorite coffee shop! Having lived in downtown Chicago for nearly four years while attending Moody Bible Institute, she's learned the art of getting things done in them.

I'm enjoying learning that art from her!

So nice to be starting to feel better!

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