Monday, March 20, 2017

Heading Out

While I was at our JV Ladies retreat in Austria, Dave and some from our JV team were hosting a conference at Malenovice.

It was with men and women who are part of GYI, Global Youth Initiative. This is a group of like-minded people from nearly every continent, who are also training young leaders based on principles from the life of Jesus using Sonlife materials like we do in JV.

The conference finished today with lunch, and then Dave and I rushed home, dropped our cars off, and walked down to our local bus stop.

As we stood there, a van pulled up and opened its doors.

Inside were some of our JV staff, the band, Divine Attraction, who serves with our Exit ministry! They'd just been up at the conference to finish it up with a time of worship. It was soooo good! I love these people so much - their passion for Jesus and humble hearts are so evident when you're around them.

But that wasn't actually who we were meeting up with at the bus stop!

We were getting on the bus with all the participants from the GYI conference!

And heading out on a three day tour with them.

We'll be heading to Herrnhut, Germany to see the place where the Moravian Brethren fled to back in the 1700's when they were under religious persecution for their faith in Jesus.

Just think, Dave and I, as well as our Divine Attraction band, would have been imprisoned for our faith if we'd been serving here way back then. Rather sobering.

Instead, we have full freedom to share Jesus today, as well as learn from the community of believers who lived on Count Zinzendorf's estate and became a major movement of God for the whole world!

We're grateful we live in such a time as this, where the types of ministry we're involved in is not only legal, but fruitful! And yet we pray for more, which is why we continue to study and learn from those who have gone before us.

These will be some special days with leaders from every continent who are committed to this same vision: a movement of God among young people....around the world!

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