Saturday, August 11, 2018

Kyrie and Jacob Fuqua!

This evening near Denver, Colorado, in one of the most beautiful backyards I've ever seen, I witnessed the wedding of my niece, Kyrie Schroeder to her groom, Jacob Fuqua!

My two nephews, Justin and Jonathan, escorted their mom down the aisle to begin the festive occasion.

A beautiful procession of wedding party attendants entered, ending with the best man, the groom's brother, alongside the matron of honor, the bride's sister!

The nephew and nieces of Kyrie served as honorary ring bearer and...

...darling flower girls!

And then...the most beautiful of all today came down the aisle on her dad's arm!

Grandpa Patty greeted everyone from the front, and then prayed for his granddaughter and her soon-to-be husband.

Sweet hugs followed for Kyrie's dad....

...and of course, her beloved mom!

Kyrie's dad then stepped to the front, and with such deep love and emotion, performed the ceremony of marriage for these two.

As the sun set over the Rocky Mountains, just as Kyrie had always dreamed of for her wedding day, their parents stepped to the front to pray over their children for God's blessing.

And after that most anticipated and long-awaited announcement of "I now pronounce you husband and wife", they sealed their wedding vows in front of their wedding party and guests with a first kiss as Mr and Mrs Jacob Fuqua!

They then made their way down the aisle amidst the bubbles of joy over them from all of their guests!

What a gorgeous setting it was for their vows of love and commitment on this beautiful Saturday evening!

Down the aisle they walked, amidst the sunflowers that came from Kyrie's parents' garden, and past the logs of wood that came from Patty land in Oregon, as well as logs from Colorado, representing Kyrie's heritage. It truly was one of the most beautiful and magical wedding evenings.

As the reception began, which was to last into the evening, I caught a few pictures of some dear ones here to celebrate the happy bride and groom.

That's my niece, Rebecca, who grew up in Slovenia alongside her family who still serve with us in Josiah Venture. She is now heading into her junior year of college at California Baptist, majoring in biblical studies and theater. How sweet to be at the wedding with her today!

And these lovely ladies are all special and important people to the mother of the bride!

They represent Joyce's friendships beginning in Englewood, CO where she grew up, to early years of ministry with Malachi in Germany, and on to life back in Colorado when she and David returned and he took over leadership for Cadence International.

Jill, third from the left, just arrived this afternoon after being at her own daughter's wedding just last night in Delaware! These ladies love Joyce and her family...including me!

The first dance of the newly married couple commenced soon after.

It could not have been a more gorgeous setting to watch Kyrie dance first with her groom, and then with her dad.

But then the party really began as her siblings and brother and sister in-law joined them for a family dance!

I don't know if you ever watch You Tube videos of wedding dances like I do (what's not to love about a happy dance at a wedding?!) but this one took the prize as the most fun, winsome and happy dance by Kyrie and her family...ending with a dip by her groom, Jacob!

Want to see the the dance? I'm certainly no videographer, but I'm so glad I captured this!

There was actually a lot of dancing at their wedding! With a really excellent DJ choosing the happiest music to dance to, we all danced our way through the evening's festivities!

This was one of those evenings where it felt like you were living in a scene from the ending of a very happy movie! You wanted the evening to just keep going as the joy and love flowed onto Jacob and Kyrie.

But there is life to get on to for them, so we waved them off amidst a sea of glow sticks, wishing them our happiest blessings for a life of love and joy, wrapped up in their commitment to each other and to the Lord.

And while Rilyn, the flower girl, picked up the glow sticks after her aunt's beautiful wedding, we all meandered to our cars feeling the last glow of happiness for having shared in this evening of deep love for Jacob and Kyrie.

"Jacob and Kyrie, may the happiness that you and your guests felt this evening at your wedding, continue on throughout your married life! 

May the joy and love of Christ you experienced tonight spill out of you and onto all those you come in contact with, spreading the good news of the Kingdom of God to the world around you. 

As your aunt, I'm so proud of you two for the way you love each other, and for exuding that love to all of us. What a joy to celebrate you tonight! I love you!!!"


  1. Connie! You always do such a lovely job capturing life and us! Thank you for capturing this family moment! I loved seeing all the little stories as well as the over arching story of celebrating Kyrie and Jake!!!! Beautiful!

  2. Wow this really brings back memories and the amount of fun that we had! Thank you Aunt Connie for sharing this on your amazing blog!
