Lara, Judah, Asher and I were up and out of the house early today to head to VsetÃn, about an hour away from our house.
Dave and Tyler had left even earlier so they could arrive in time to prepare for the morning at our JV Fusiondary International festival.
What is Fusiondary?
Yesterday nearly 1000 students and leaders arrived in VsetÃn, from ten countries, to participate in Fusiondary, JV's largest event ever - a coming together of nearly 50 Fusion choirs from the countries where our staff leads this exciting ministry of evangelism and discipleship, through music.
They did a parade of nations through the streets of VsetÃn, ending up in the cultural house where the event is taking place.
It was absolutely thrilling arriving here today to see and participate in this awesome event!
Tyler and a group of musicians from JV, led worship to start off the morning.
Over half of those here for Fusiondary don't yet know the Lord. Throughout the school year they've all been part of their Fusion rock/gospel choirs, attending weekly rehearsals and hearing gospel centered messages in devotions from their leaders.
Over the past ten years many young people have put their faith in Jesus through Fusion choirs, and we're praying that more do this week-end!
Throughout the week-end, all the choirs will perform for each other, music they've prepared throughout the year.
During the year when they're in their Fusion groups, they have the opportunity to not only sing, but learn instruments and how to direct the choir. With no music classes offered in high school it's super exciting for them to be part of a supportive community, creating music together!
Shelby, a gifted musician on staff with JV, is the head of Fusion International. So proud of her for organizing her team to put on such an amazing event this week-end!
Dave and I got to have lunch with some of the Fusiondary you see any similarities between us?!
This is our nephew, Luke and niece, Kendra, from Slovenia! |
After lunch I ran into one of our JV staff who told me that one of her girls had just put her faith in Christ here at Fusiondary!!
The festival is an incredibly creative event, with not only the performances going on throughout the week-end, but special "inspiration stations" happening as well. Claire and Judah took advantage of one of those, adding on to a painting happening out in the foyer!
Many different seminars were offered throughout the week-end as well, with Claire teaching one about understanding the mind of a child, and Tyler teaching on "Does God speak through the Bible today?"
It's pretty special for Dave and I to be here in support of our kids, our staff, and our grandkids!
They are definitely living "family on mission" with their parents by going to events like this!
More concerts took place in the late afternoon.
And then it was time for the evening program!
The organization of this event was astounding! There were so many pieces to each section, including this evening's program chock full of fun and joy.
Shelby and one of our other staff, Cory, had written a song for the event that everyone was learning throughout the week-end (that's what they're doing in the above photo). Tomorrow they'll sing it and record it live! And there was lots of fun singing more worship songs all together.
But the most significant part of the evening came when Korban, JV staff from Poland, gave the Gospel message.
Students had an opportunity to respond with their leaders, or others who were available to talk with them. I don't yet know how many put their faith in Christ tonight, but for sure there were some. Praise God for these new brothers and sisters who met Jesus tonight!
The evening continued on with a celebration of ten years of Fusion choirs.
And thank you's to all those who lead and make these choirs possible.
I saw this from one of our staff, a post she made late tonight on Facebook that really sums up JV's Fusion ministry.
How we pray that these stories of lives changed and transformed by Christ will continue as the students and their leaders head back home to their countries tomorrow after Fusiondary concludes.
While the big event will be over, the weekly discipleship and care of these Fusion groups will continue!