Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Celebrating Twenty Five!

Today is a significant birthday for our Claire!!

Our sweet daughter is 25 today, and we're celebrating her with a family party, including flowers from her dad!

Tyler, Lara, Judah and Asher are here today too, and the boys helped me get ready for the party this afternoon by wrapping gifts for Claire. There's a lot of tape on those presents! ðŸ˜‚

Tyler and Lara made a wonderful dinner for Claire, the menu she'd asked for (that they made for her last year too...yep, it was that good!): Israeli baked meatballs with tahini sauce, Israeli salad, turmeric rice and lots of hummus!

I wrote a note to Claire on Facebook today that said, "Your joy in life and for the Lord shines as the brightest sunshine, your generosity in giving of yourself touches people (me included!) deeply, your tenderness to the Lord inspires and compels people towards Him, and your love for Him and His Word can’t help but come out of you every day! You are a blessing to me and I love you very much!"

And all of that was evident tonight! Even as it was her birthday, she is shining bright for Jesus, loving her nephews so generously with His love as she let them "help" her unwrap gifts!

She had said earlier that she wasn't in the mood for a birthday cake, but that she wouldn't mind macarons, so that's what Judah and I brought in for her, complete with "2" and "5" candles, as Judah called them!

We sang "Happy Birthday" to her twice as her candles got blown out once by Judah, and once by her! ðŸ¤£

We all gave her "words" as we do for birthdays, sharing what we've seen in her life in the past year, and what we're wishing for her in the year to come.

I told her that I've seen more growth in her life in this past year than ever before - that I think it's been her most significant year of life yet! And I wished her more...more growth, more love from the Lord, more depth, more opportunities to be Jesus to others. I have no doubt that will happen!

How I love this precious daughter of ours! And wish her all of God's blessing, love, care and delight in this coming year!

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