Thursday, January 9, 2020

Remembering the Past

On this very mild January day, where the only sign of snow at our house is the decorations still up from Christmas, I'm beginning to catch up on my blog after a two and a half week pause.

We landed back home from our two-week study break in Croatia on December 21st, and immediately the next day jumped into Christmas events that lasted all the way until Jan 6.

And then I got sick with a cold that completely wiped me out for three days.

So now here I am, finally up and starting to feel like myself again. And back to my blog!

If you're reading this days, months or years later, you won't even know that I ever didn't blog during the holidays because there will be posts that are all in a row, capturing the goodness of God over these past weeks.

But if you're one of my regular readers, you'll have to click back to find my "back blogging", as I get it done over the next few days, remembering all the Lord has done, and the memories He's given us!

Remember the former things long past, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me.  Isaiah 46:9

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