This morning all our guys headed out to the yard to start a big project!
This seems to be the year to get our garden system in tip-top working shape!
Not only have we had a problem with wildlife eating our garden, but it's been a problem keeping it watered since the only faucet is way over by the house...which has meant stretching a hose out every single time it needed watering.
Today is the day that problem gets fixed by these Patty men.
Or rather...their dads!
They dug a trench all the way from the garden to the house, and laid hose in it to connect to the faucet.
And voila!
The faucet is in and working!
Who doesn't love a turn at the hose to spray?! (Albeit, a garden bed that hasn't been planted yet! 😂)
It was an all day project, but you'd never know now that it wasn't always there!
In the meantime, during different parts of the day, the little boys came up to the newly cleaned and prepared playroom!
I literally sat here with them for 30 minutes, reading UPSIDE DOWN! (and taking a photo at the same time. Does that qualify as an Olympic sport?! 😂😂😂)
Later, Claire got out her paints to work on something she's been painting since last summer. Judah was happy to join her in creating art!
And I happily got my baby snuggles in with Jenna!
And happened to catch this sweet picture of her big brother, Charlie, back out in the yard!
When we have these idyllic family days I'm quite aware that this is a highly unusual circumstance, being able to be together during these days of quarantine due to COVID-19.
But I have longed believed in rejoicing in the Lord in all things, which include both hard and good. So I'm soaking in these very good days, and thanking the Lord for his kindness in letting us experience them together.
And just a little PS.
We also got to see Katka today, who is living here in our garage apartment, on bedrest as she awaits the coming due date of hers and David's twins! She stepped outside for a few minutes just to say hi! She looks amazing!
Wow just this one post includes Patty men getting stuff done, kids enjoying inside and out, Claire being artistic and your long time friend Katka. Now that's a great post! Pandemic virus thing bad, making the best of it GOOD.