Sunday, April 19, 2020

Finding Good

After online church this morning, I drove over to pick up Claire to go grocery shopping together.

Since it's somewhat of an ordeal these days (masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, social distancing, long lines, etc.), we decided to start off with a little fun!

Claire thought that her favorite coffee shop in Ostrava might be open so we drove in to Dolní oblast Vítkovice, the former ironworks and mining area that's been turned into a huge museum and cultural center, to see if it really was.

We were in luck! They're open, albeit through a small, makeshift window.

We "social distanced" while two other customers got their coffee, and then came up to the window and made our order.

The barista is the only one working here, in this beautiful space that has to be closed right now.

He was so friendly, even through his mask, and it made our day to get coffee here.

Especially because he did a little latte art, in spite of using oat milk (which is more difficult to do latte art with!).

As soon as we were far enough away from anyone, we lowered our masks and enjoyed our coffee!

These are crazy times that we're making the most of by seeing good in the small things of these days.

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