Monday, April 20, 2020

Sixth Week Reflection

Today is the start of our sixth week in quarantine lockdown here in the Czech Republic.

How perfect today's Scripture was for this day:

"The heavens shout for joy! The earth rejoices! The mountains break into singing! For You have comforted Your people and will have compassion on Your afflicted ones." Isaiah 49:13

This is all true. No matter what, the heavens shout for joy and the earth rejoices...and these beautiful mountains we live in break into singing through the budding of spring that's upon us.

God is comforting us all, having compassion on us as we live in unprecedented times.

He sits above it all...and He lives down here with us in the midst of it.

I feel His comforting presence today, and pray for His glory to fill the earth, that all would know of His power and greatness, His love and grace, His mercy that never ends.

"May the whole earth be filled with Your glory. Amen and Amen!!" Psalm 72:18-19

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