Saturday, May 2, 2020

Week-end Gifts

Every week-end that our family has gathered during this quarantine lockdown has had such a different flavor.

But the common denominator has always been spending time together and making memories. Earlier today the little boys pressed their hands into wet cement next to the different fruit trees they each planted last week-end.

But then we did something that we've never done together.

Watched a movie with, and for, the little boys! (well let's be honest...the adults enjoyed Frozen 2 just as much as the boys did!)

It was also barbershop time for the guys as the movie progressed!

I had to chuckle when at one point during the movie Charlie turned to his cousins and said, "This is my favorite part."

And it was his first time seeing the movie! ðŸ˜‚ ðŸ˜‚ ðŸ˜‚

I can definitely say I enjoyed Frozen 2 more than the original Frozen movie! Don't put it past me to watch again one of these days!

Dave took his turn in the barber's chair too as we all watched the movie right to the end and through the credits!

Hugs, giggles, and happy moments rounded out the afternoon.

Along with some snuggles with Jenna!

We don't know how many more week-ends we'll have like this. But every one of them is a good gift from the Lord.

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