Thursday, July 9, 2020

Return of the King

During the coronavirus lockdown while were at home in the Czech Republic and spending week-ends with our kids (who were allowed to visit because Czech didn't prohibit families from gathering), Tyler and I were talking about the fact that I had never read the "Lord of the Rings" books, nor seen the movies.

We had given them to him for one of his birthdays in his middle school years, and they quickly became some of his favorites, along with the movies as they were released. But somehow I'd never caught the "bug" for them.

Fast forward to today.

I finished the last book! ☺️

And cried and cried for a while before writing Tyler to tell him. We had the sweetest texting conversation over the next half hour, "talking" about what our favorite themes and parts were from the book.

I won't spoil it for you in case you too have never read them.

But my most endearing and enduring thought after finishing the books is how I look forward to the new heaven and new earth one day!

It's not hard to picture it from this location here on Hvar, where it really is a little slice of what I imagine and hope heaven will be like one day...always sunny, always blue sky, always warm, always blossoming with new life (that's just my version of what I hope for...yours is probably different than mine!).

I assume heaven will be so much more than that. But it's nice to have a little tiny glimpse of its possibilities here on this day when I'm thinking about it.

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