Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Arrival on the Catamaran

After taking all of our things off the boat, and heading up to our house to meet up with Dave's brothers, Dave and I jumped in the car to head to Hvar Town.

The storm still hasn't materialized, so it was gorgeous here, though quite empty - so unusual for August.

American and British tourists usually flock to Hvar all summer, but because of coronavirus, they have not come this year. It's good news for those who want to enjoy a quieter summer on Hvar; but not good news for businesses. I wonder how many won't make it because of a lack of tourists?

We didn't come to town just to admire the beauty and enjoy the quiet, though we sure did do those things!

Instead we came down to the end of the pier to await a catamaran's arrival (that's a passenger only ferry).

I can't even begin to explain how stunning it is to see it so quiet here, when normally this whole area would be packed. European tourists have come, but not in high numbers.

We enjoyed the quiet down here this afternoon, while feeling for the town's economic well-being.

The catamaran was a bit late, most likely because the sea is becoming rougher as the wind picks up.

But finally it docked...

...and a certain special somebody disembarked!

Yes, our Claire has come to join us for some vacation time with her parents and uncles!

We're so excited that it worked out for her to come down to join us! She left home in Celadna to go to Prague early this morning, taking a car, train, bus, plane, bus and ferry to get all the way here to Hvar this afternoon!

We're looking forward to this family time ahead of us!

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