Friday, August 28, 2020

Evening on the Terrace

This evening as I was prepping dinner inside, I could hear laughter on the terrace so stepped out to see what was happening.

This is what I found.

The three brothers were talking to their mom and dad in Denver! It was such a sweet moment listening to them all talk together; even Claire joined in to say hi to her grandparents!

The weather forecast keeps saying that we're going to get some heavy winds, rain and clouds, but for now, it was an absolutely lovely evening out here.

Claire and I had prepared a Charcuterie board (meats, cheeses, fruits, jams, olives, breads and crackers) for dinner - such a perfect meal to enjoy outside on this beautiful summer evening!

It's the kind of evening where you wish you could bottle it up and open it back up on another day to enjoy it again, because it's just so sweet!

Loving this family time here!

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